BYC Day at Oaklawn Racing

  • 11 Apr 2025
  • 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Oaklawn Racetrack Jockey club


  • Price includes : Admission to Jockey Club, Buffet, non- alcoholic beverages and program.


The Balboa Yacht Club will be hosting our "Day at Oaklawn Racetrack" on Friday April 11, 2024. The track opens at 11:00 AM. This is a wonderful day, if you haven't been to the Jockey Club now is your chance. 


The cost is $75 per person. This includes admission to the track, admission to the Jockey Club, program and Buffet Lunch. Alcoholic beverages are at your own cost. Members and Guest are welcome at this event. Individual entry to the Jockey Club is now $50 per person so this is a wonderful group package.

You must register and pay, in advance of this event.

Dress for the Jockey Club: 


Collared shirts and a jacket or suits. No shorts or denim.


Pantsuits, dresses, slacks, no shorts or denim.

Register with this link:

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